Post Mortem on Body of Mr. W.J. Armstrong
Nelson. B.C., Oct. 30, 1924.Post Mortem on a body of Mr. W.J. Armstrong.
Body of a well nourished man about 32 years of age, white, medium height.
Fracture of fibula about 2" below upper end. This is a compound fracture ends of bone protruding 1 1/2". Wound above the knee about 3" above knee cap extending transversely across front of thigh: wound about 6" long and extending to the femur. The Extensor uscles Severed.
Burns — First degree extending from left ankle to the left hip. These burns chiefly located at Posterior part of limb.
Fracture over left eye extending from middle of left orbital plate about 1". Large clot underlying fracture which hemorrhage caused death. Superficial burns over front of nose and face. Face somewhat scarred and mutilated. There is also a compound comminuted fracture of the right thigh: hole about 1" above right knee — Foreign body evidently passed thro.
Burns 1st degree. Other deep wounds also appear. Upon careful probing and digital examination of these various wounds — no foreign solid bodies, other than what dirt would obviously enter wounds under these conditions, could be found. It is therefore my conclusion and opinion that the death of this man was undoubtedly caused by the fracture in the skull to which I have above referred. The fracture causing a hemorrhage into the brain was the cause of death. Many of the other injuries would doubtless eventually also have caused death had this man not had the fracture in the skull. But the fracture and hemorrhage were the actual cause.
Frederick S. Eaton.Subscribed and sworn
before me at the City of Nelson
in the Province of British Columbia
this 31st day of October 1924.
W.O. Rose J.P.